Occult and spiritual book reviews

Occultism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Metaphysics, Santeria, Self-help, Hermeticism

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Mammon Grimoire- Prosperity Spells Unveiled

 Great Mammon grimoire.Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on the internet for a 'pact with Mammon,' invest in this book.It contains 100 pages of spells and rituals for abundance. The authentic pact with Mammon, incorporating Mammon's invocations, incrementally.The...

Friday, April 28, 2023

Quimbanda Grimoire - Sigils, Spells and Rituals with Eshus

          Grimoire entirely dedicated to the Afro-Brazilian Quimbanda. Asamod ka.There are 143 pages of powerful content, including descriptions of the Kingdoms and phalanges of Quimbanda, the Chief Eshús and Pombagiras from...

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Sculptures of Thought

         Spiritual poetry and metaphysics, as well as drawings and esoteric illustrations. Spiritually channeled messages, quantum physics, cosmotheism, spiritism, love, alchemy, esotericism, hermeticism, and many more, 100 pages....

Monday, February 6, 2023

Vampyros Magicae- Real vampyre Magick. Asamod

         "Vampyros Magicae- Real vampyre Magick". Asamod Ka.Another great book from Asamod ka.This one focused on energy vampyrism.Vampyre magick based on ancient Sumerian and Kemetic rituals, energy manipulation, remote influence,...

Energy Magick of the Vampyre. Don Webb

         "Energy Magick of the Vampyre: Secret Techniques for Personal Power and Manifestation". Don WebbGreat book with 358 pages. It explains how a vampyre is not a blood-sucking mythical figure but a shaman who is skilled in gathering,...

Vrajitoare- Gypsy Magick. Asamod ka

        "Vrăjitoare- Gypsy Magick". Asamod KaOver 160 authentic Romani spells are contained in 162 pages. Groups of gypsy spirits with instructions on how to invoke them for various purposes, including love, wealth, protection, clairvoyance,...

kassapu- Sumerian Magick Grimoire- Asamod ka

         "kaššāpu- Sumerian Magick Grimoire". Asamod Kakaššāpu means sorcerer, in ancient Akkadian.Finding grimoires on authentic Sumerian magick is difficult because most of them include the same recycled material from works like...

Spirituality before Religions - Kaba Hiawatha Kamene

        "Spirituality before Religions" . Prof. Kaba Hiawatha KameneThis is another great book about Kemetic spirituality, by Prof. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (founder of “Per Ankh” Mystery school).Laws of cosmic spirituality, African spirituality,...

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Holographic Reality -Do we Live in a Simulation

        "Holographic Reality -Do we Live in a Simulation?"- Silvio GuerrinhaThis book raises big questions. Are you a fan of the Matrix?  The book deals in-depth with the Simulation Hypothesis (Universe and holographic reality), mentions...

Enochian Magic for Beginners

         Enochian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic (For Beginners). Donald Tyson.Make no mistake―this is not a superficial treatment of Enochian magic. Yes, it is written for beginners, but it is also a vital...

Black Magick Rituals - Asamod ka

          "Black Magick Rituals". Asamod KaA compendium of over a hundred dark spells from various black magick systems (Candomblé, Quimbanda, Santería, Palo Mayombe, Satanism, Voodoo), and others.In addition to the spells, the...

Liber Kaos - Peter J. Carroll

          "Liber Kaos". Peter J. CarrollA complete, advanced magical training course for the individual or for groups, with details of the author's magical order, an outline for setting up a temple, and instructions for carrying...