Occult and spiritual book reviews

Monday, February 6, 2023

Energy Magick of the Vampyre. Don Webb


energy magick vampyre









"Energy Magick of the Vampyre: Secret Techniques for Personal Power and Manifestation". Don Webb

Great book with 358 pages. It explains how a vampyre is not a blood-sucking mythical figure but a shaman who is skilled in gathering, using, and storing energy for magical power and personal liberation. Reveals how to gather and store energy from the world around you and shares magical techniques, manifestation methods, and practices to utilize the energy you have collected. Looks at servitors and familiars, vampyric runes, dream architecture, money magick practices, and sex magick techniques as well as advanced practices such as healing with vampyric magick.

Don Webb is an American writer about the occult, he is also a former High Priest of the Temple of Set.

E-book, paperback, and audiobook versions. Starting as $19.90. 


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