Occult and spiritual book reviews

Occultism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Metaphysics, Santeria, Self-help, Hermeticism

Monday, February 6, 2023

Vampyros Magicae- Real vampyre Magick. Asamod

         "Vampyros Magicae- Real vampyre Magick". Asamod Ka.Another great book from Asamod ka.This one focused on energy vampyrism.Vampyre magick based on ancient Sumerian and Kemetic rituals, energy manipulation, remote influence,...

Energy Magick of the Vampyre. Don Webb

         "Energy Magick of the Vampyre: Secret Techniques for Personal Power and Manifestation". Don WebbGreat book with 358 pages. It explains how a vampyre is not a blood-sucking mythical figure but a shaman who is skilled in gathering,...

Vrajitoare- Gypsy Magick. Asamod ka

        "Vrăjitoare- Gypsy Magick". Asamod KaOver 160 authentic Romani spells are contained in 162 pages. Groups of gypsy spirits with instructions on how to invoke them for various purposes, including love, wealth, protection, clairvoyance,...

kassapu- Sumerian Magick Grimoire- Asamod ka

         "kaššāpu- Sumerian Magick Grimoire". Asamod Kakaššāpu means sorcerer, in ancient Akkadian.Finding grimoires on authentic Sumerian magick is difficult because most of them include the same recycled material from works like...

Spirituality before Religions - Kaba Hiawatha Kamene

        "Spirituality before Religions" . Prof. Kaba Hiawatha KameneThis is another great book about Kemetic spirituality, by Prof. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (founder of “Per Ankh” Mystery school).Laws of cosmic spirituality, African spirituality,...

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Holographic Reality -Do we Live in a Simulation

        "Holographic Reality -Do we Live in a Simulation?"- Silvio GuerrinhaThis book raises big questions. Are you a fan of the Matrix?  The book deals in-depth with the Simulation Hypothesis (Universe and holographic reality), mentions...

Enochian Magic for Beginners

         Enochian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic (For Beginners). Donald Tyson.Make no mistake―this is not a superficial treatment of Enochian magic. Yes, it is written for beginners, but it is also a vital...

Black Magick Rituals - Asamod ka

          "Black Magick Rituals". Asamod KaA compendium of over a hundred dark spells from various black magick systems (Candomblé, Quimbanda, Santería, Palo Mayombe, Satanism, Voodoo), and others.In addition to the spells, the...

Liber Kaos - Peter J. Carroll

          "Liber Kaos". Peter J. CarrollA complete, advanced magical training course for the individual or for groups, with details of the author's magical order, an outline for setting up a temple, and instructions for carrying...

Remote Seer: Ultimate guide to Remote Viewing. Silvio G

         "Remote Seer: Ultimate guide to Remote Viewing". Silvio GuerrinhaA remote viewing book unlike the others.The author has experience in the subject, five years of research and preparation of the book.Explanation, according...

Psychic Self-Defense - Dion Fortune

          This book is a classic, one of the best I ever read and useful for psychic defense.Dion Fortune was a British occultist, ceremonial magician, novelist, and author. She was a co-founder of the Fraternity of the Inner...

Sekhm Healing .2" - Silvio Guerrinha

         "Sekhm Energy Healing" . Vol 2. Silvio GuerrinhaKemetic healing, sometimes known as "egyptian reiki," is covered in a few works.However, the majority of them come from authors who claim to be the pioneers of the Egyptian...

The Kemetic Tree of Life - Muata Ashby

          "The Kemetic Tree of Life" . Muata Ashby.Muata Ashby is a well-known author of kemeticism (ancient egyptian spirituality), and he is the founder of the Sema Institute-Temple of Aset.Ashby competed a PhD in religious...

Quantum Magic- Silvio Guerrinha

           "Quantum Magic". Silvio GuerrinhaA complete and different magickal formulary. It approaches magick in a modern, effective and scientific perspective based on quantum physics. A compendium with more than 150 spells...

From Bullying to Possession

          "From Bullying to Possession". Aleena Bot.This is a paranormal and occult novel, but an interesting one as it has spiritually psychographed parts with messages from Santa Muerte.This supernatural romance is based on...

Isis Unveiled - Helena Blavatsky

         Isis Unveiled: Both Volumes - A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology. Helena Blavatsky.Although named after the Egyptian goddess Isis - a figure widely associated with magic and nature -...

Narcos Magick - Asamod Ka

         "Narcos Magick". Asamod KaThe title of this book marks the difference, it focuses on narcomagic, santeria in Cuba, the Santa Muerte cult, and witchcraft in Latin America. Diablito (Angelito Negro, Ángel Negro), Santa Muerte,...

Of Blood and Bones -Working with Shadow Magick

         "Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon". Kate Freuler.Shadow magick occupies a critical role in the rich history of witchcraft, and it continues to draw strong interest from contemporary practitioners...

Magickal Formulary- 620 Spells. Asamod

 "Magickal Formulary - 620 Spells". Asamod kaGreat magickal formulary with 456 pages and 620 spells divided into the following categories: binding, money, health, love, protection, and psychic defense. Wicca, Candomblé, Gypsy magic, exorcisms, prayers, Voodoo, Santa Muerte...

Condensed Chaos - Phil Hine

 "Condensed Chaos- An Introduction to Chaos Magic"". Phil HinePhil Hine is a former editor of the internationally acclaimed magazine "Chaos International". He has facilitated workshops and seminars on modern magical practice in America and Europe, and contributes regularly...

Anavarana- Rewriting Reality. Silvio Guerrinha

"Anavarana -Rewriting Reality"- Silvio Guerrinha.This is a great book about the Law of Attraction, with new ideas.Law of Attraction 2.0, collective co-creation, alternative timelines. How to raise your personal frequency, eight laws of magnetism, hermetism laws, future-self,...

Metaphysics Terminology 2" -Silvio Guerrinha

 "Metaphysics Terminology 2". Silvio GuerrinhaSecond edition, now revised with one hundred new words. A very comprehensive glossary, with over 800 terms from metaphysics, ufology, quantum physics, parapsychology, gnosis, esotericism, occultism, time travel, panpsychism,...

The Kybalion- Three Initiates

 "The Kybalion" - Three Initiates.Since its publication in the early 20th century, the unique concepts and teachings in “The Kybalion” have and continue to enjoy a significant impact in New Age circles. Initially published in 1908 under the authorship of Three Initiates,...

Santa Muerte Codex- Asamod ka

 "Santa Muerte Codex" -Asamod ka.A spell book entirely dedicated to Santa Muerte; 100 spells, many prayers; how to consecrate the figure of Santa Muerte; prepare the altar; Santa Muerte amulet.There are about 144 pages of spells for protection, destruction of enemies, binding...

Witchcraft: Volume 1- Anastasia Greywolf

 Witchcraft: Volume 1: A Handbook of Magic Spells and Potions. Anastasia Greywolf.Tap into the magic all around you with Witchcraft, an illustrated guide to ancient potions, spells, chants, rituals, and incantations from around the world.Learn how to form a spirit circle...

Binding and Dominance Spells -Asamod

 This is a useful book that is solely focused on hexes, binding spells, and sex magick. Bring your ex-lover back. Asamod kaA collection of binding spells from different cultures and magical systems, such as Santeria, Quimbanda, Umbanda, Santa Muerte, Cuban magick, Sumerian,...

Jambalaya- The Natural Woman's Book...

 Jambalaya mixes theory and practice regarding voodoo and other traditions from the African diaspora, like Orisha. While it has chapters on civil rights movements and spiritualism, it can also feature some spells and rituals that the reader can practice. The book is really...

Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems -Asamod

 "Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems". Asamod Ka.This is an interesting book, the author discusses various different magickal systems, practical rituals, and a new Goetia without weird demons or selling our soul.Obscure dimensions are inner dimensions of the self,...

The Golden Dawn- Israel Regardie

 "The Golden Dawn".The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Latin: Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae), more commonly the Golden Dawn (Aurora Aurea), was a secret society devoted to the study and practice of occult Hermeticism and metaphysics during the late 19th and early 20th...

Egyptian Magic- Secrets from Kemet

 "Egyptian Magic- Secrets from Kemet".Silvio Guerrinha is an esoteric and occultist author from Portugal with several published books.This one covers Heka-Egyptian magic, correspondences for each deity (crystals, candles and corresponding colors), altar setup, strong unprecedented...

Egyptian Magic - E. A. Wallis Budge

 Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge was an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist who worked for the British Museum and published numerous works on the ancient Near East.Undoubtedly, the book is a great read.This well-known study of Ancient Egypt Magic,...