Occult and spiritual book reviews

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Narcos Magick - Asamod Ka


narcos magick









"Narcos Magick". Asamod Ka

The title of this book marks the difference, it focuses on narcomagic, santeria in Cuba, the Santa Muerte cult, and witchcraft in Latin America.
Diablito (Angelito Negro, Ángel Negro), Santa Muerte, Cuban Santeria, Jesus Malverde, San Simón and other deities.
Narco religious culture, brujeria, crossed spiritism, relentless Mexican magick.
Herbs and sticks used in Palo Mayombe. A powerful occult book.
Powerful salgación/curse spells against enemies.
Prayers to Malverde and Santa Muerte to protect you from enemies, bless the bullets, recover from wounds, protect yourself spiritually.
Palo Mayombe rituals, the cauldron of Nganga spirits, the sticks (palos) and herbs to use, Cuban Santeria blessings, and much more!
Several illustrations.

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